Formulation Sciences and Drug Delivery Research Group

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Lab Equipment
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Laboratorio Galenica
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Dissolution testing Sotax

Tablet press machine

400 MHz NMR spectrometer - Bruker

FT-IR - Avatar 360 Nicolet

UV-Vis spectrometer

Refrigerated microcentrifuge - Labnet Prism R

HPLC Agilent Infinity II 1260 with DAD and RI

Waters Micromass ZQ Mass Spectrometer with 2795 HPLC Separations Module

GCMS-QP2010S Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer, Shimadzu



As well as the equipment available in our lab we also have access to:

Malvern Zetasizer Nano - light scattering

Rheometer - Kinexus Plus - Malvern

DSC 8500 Perkin Elmer

Microcalorimetry analysis (microDSC III Setaram)

DMA 8000 Perkin Elmer

DCA-100 Tensiometer

Instron Tensile strength testing

Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC)

Acoustic and electro-acoustic spectrometer (DT Dispersion Technology)

High-Resolution ultrasonic spectrometer (HR-US 102 Ultrasonic Scientific)

DMA5000M Density and Sound Velocity Meter

Rotolab mixer Zanchetta

UV-1800 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer equipped with a thermoelectrically temperature control

SOTAX AT7 smart

Franz diffusion cell

LS 55 Fluorescence spectrometer Perkin Elmer


University of Urbino - School of Pharmacy
Department of Biomolecular Sciences

Piazza Rinascimento n°6
61029 Urbino (PU) Italy